Homegrownart’s Blog

Blogging about paper crafting and other things I enjoy.

My Tribute to MJ June 27, 2009

Filed under: In My World — homegrownart @ 9:38 AM
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Its all in the news on every station. Even here in Portugal, every station seems to be paying tribute to Michael Jackson. I heard the news 315am on June 26th when I woke up to do some work. The news was shocking and sad for me. My heart always went out for this “poor” man that I have only met through his music.

It all started when I heard the song “Beat It” as a child. I would listen to the song over and over. Back then it was just a song being song by Michael Jackson, a pretty cool looking guy by my standards. We did not have cable tv, so I am sure it was just a photo of him that I saw. I never knew how I would grow to love his music and his dance moves.

Well, now he is gone. But his music will definitely live on in my world, like many of my other favorite artist, such as, Bob Marley, Al Green, Barry White, Luther Vandross, just to name a few-too many.

MJ, I pray that God’s angels and saints welcome you with open arms, no strings attached. Rest in peace, Michael.